Aquarium Supplies sells a complete aquarium supplies, nutrition and supplements to help you create and maintain a successful fish tank. From pumps, fish foods, filters and decorative tank accessories to specialized media and hoods and bulbs we carry over 5,000 popular and hard-to-find saltwater aquarium fish supplies and freshwater aquarium supplies from top brands like Red Sea, JBJ, Hydor and EcoTech Marine.
We carry the best aquarium filters, energy-efficient LED aquarium lighting and refugium to breed copepods and chaetomorpha as well as almost every type of protein skimmer avaulable via the huge seller stable on We also help with more complicated projects by sourcing best prices and often free US shipping on reef aquarium and saltwater aquarium supplies, so if you are shopping for saltwater fish food or grow lighting to push your coral mountains to new heights, you've come to the sweet spot. We also have high-end Ecotech Radion lighting, Neptune Apex system controllers as well as more affordable Hydor Koralia pumps.
You're at the right place if you want the most complete variety of tried and tested fish keeping brands. The items we carry are actually used by us and we recommend them to friends and clients. We currently offer the most popular aquarium brands in the US including products from ATM, Nutrafin, Kordon, API, Seapora, Seachem, Eheim, Red Sea, Fluval, New Life Spectrum, Hikari, New Era, Omega One, Marineland, Tropica, Lee’s, Aqueon, Penn Plax, CaribSea, Tetra, Zoo Med, Hydor, Jager, Rena, Underwater Treasures, Mag Float, and Python.
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API SUPER ICK CURE Freshwater and Saltwater Fish Powder Medication 10-Count Box
Rid your fish of ich quickly and effectively with API SUPER ICK CURE Freshwater and Saltwater Fish Powder Medication. API SUPER ICK CURE Freshwater and Saltwater Fish Powder Medication works quickly t..
API TAP WATER CONDITIONER Aquarium Water Conditioner 16-Ounce Bottle
Good water quality is the key to a healthy, beautiful aquarium. Tap water contains chemicals, such as chlorine and chloramines, which make water safe for drinking, are highly toxic to fish. High level..
API TROPICAL FLAKES Fish Food 5.7-Ounce Container
Feed your tropical fish a protein-rich diet scientifically formulated to promote healthy growth and cleaner, clearer water with API TROPICAL FLAKES Optimal Protein Fish Food. Overfeeding, low palatabi..
API TROPICAL MINI PELLETS Mini Sinking Pellets Fish Food 1.7-Ounce Container
Feed your small tropical fish a protein-enriched diet that has been scientifically formulated to promote healthy growth and cleaner, clearer water with API TROPICAL MINI PELLETS Mini Sinking Pellets F..
API TURTLE FIX Antibacterial Turtle Remedy 8-Ounce Bottle
A remarkable natural antibacterial remedy for the treatment of Turtle diseases. Heals open wounds & abrasions; promotes regrowth of damaged tissue. Will not adversely affect the biological filter, alt..
API VACATION PYRAMID FISH FEEDER 14-Day 1.2-Ounce Automatic Fish Feeder
The 14-Day automatic API VACATION PYRAMID FISH FEEDER contains nutritious food pellets that are released slowly, as the pyramid dissolves. It is made with superior nutritional ingredients to feed all ..
APTWONZ 5M Silicone Airline Tubing 3/16 Standard Aquarium Pump Hose with 5 pcs Check Valves for Fish Tank
Great Silicone Flexible air hose for all your fish tank airline tubes needs! •ATPWONZ professional silicone airline tubing is clear, durable, and flexible enough to easily attach pumps and filters to ..
Aqua 10 Gallon Scape Octagon Aquarium Kit
622 Features: -Acrylic material. -10 gallon water capacity. -Deluxe decor includes gravel, rocks and plants. -Aqua collection. -Made in the USA. Shape: -Octagon. Water Capacity: -10 Gallons. Water Typ..
Aqua Clear 20 Power Filter - 110 V, UL Listed (Includes AquaClear 20 Carbon, AquaClear 20 Foam & AquaClear 20 BioMax)
AquaClear Power Filter The AquaClear Power Filter represents one of the most versatile hang-on filter systems available. The five models available provide a complete selection of flow rates for the..
Aqua Culture LED Aquarium Hood for 20/55 Gallon Aquariums - Tetra
Only has switch and LED assembly(5)Aqua Culture LED Aquarium Hood for 20/55 Gallon Aquariums - Tetra..
Aqua End Table 15 Gallon Aquarium
We love this. We want this. We can't believe no one thought of this before! The Aqua End Table Aquarium is creative from top to bottom: the 3/8-inch beveled glass top is illuminated by light shining t..
Aqua Excel Calcium Reactor CR30
The Aqua Excel CR30 is a small calcium reactor that is packed full of feature and utilize an italian made Sicce pump for re-circulation. With a built in ph probe holder, bubble counter, and hanging br..
Aqua Medic KS1000 Kalkwasser Stirrer
The Aqua Medic KS1000 Kalkwasser Stirrer automatically produces Kalkwasser to replace the evaporated water in saltwater aquaria. It should be used in conjunction with an automatic top-off device, such..
Aqua Octagon Coffee Table 40 Gallon Aquarium
Imagine the intimate, creative conversations you'll have while sitting around this breathtaking Aqua Octagon Coffee Table Aquarium. It's oblong shape is perfect for even long couches, but nobody is go..
Aqua Ultraviolet A10025 25 watt Quartz Sleeve
For over three decades Aqua Ultraviolet has been the premier manufacturer of ultraviolet sterilizers and bio-mechanical filtration.25 watt replacement quartz sleeveManufactured by Aqua UltravioletMade..
Aqua UV 15W Advantage 2000+ UV Lamp
Replacement UV& Lamp for& Aqua UV Advantage 2000+ 15W Ultraviolet sterilizer.AquaticPartsU.V. Parts15 Watt Advantage Uv Quartz Lamp 8.5'..
Aqua-Medic Reef Doser Evo 4 Aquarium Water Pump
The Aqua Medic reef doser EVO 4 can independently control the four dosing pumps included in the package. The dispensing of the food or additive can be achieved either manually or automatically; all pu..
AquaCity Universal Filter Media Bags for Pelletized Carbon, Bio Balls, Ceramic Rings, Ammonia Remover (Black, 12.5"x 10.75" 3-Pack)
Zipper design, reusable; great for use in canister filter system.Mesh holes diameter: 2mm (0.08"). Any particles less than 2mm (0.08") will pass through the bag.This bag is good for holding large medi..
AquaClear 20 Nylon Bag, 2-Pack
The AquaClear Filter Media Bag makes media maintenance extremely simple. The fine mesh holds small grained filter media and the bags may be used in both fresh and saltwater aquariums. It is design..
AquaClear 50 Nylon Bag, 2-Pack
The AquaClear Filter Media Bag makes media maintenance extremely simple. The fine mesh holds small grained filter media and the bags may be used in both fresh and saltwater aquariums. It is designe..
AquaClear 70 Ammonia Remover, 12.2 Ounce
AquaClear 70 Ammonia Remover is ideal for new or heavily populated freshwater aquariums. It removes and controls harmful ammonia and nitrite. AquaClear 70 Ammonia Remover reduces stress on fish, pr..
Like all creatures on this great big wonderful world, fish come in a huge variety of species from several different geographical regions. The variations in geographical origin makes the difference in fish size, color, eating habits and life expectancy as well as the vigor of the immune system. Most aquarium fish available and popular today originated in Central America, South America, Africa, or Asia. Fish can be kept in different combinations of species and in different kinds of aquatic environments and their are five common themes in the world of aquariums:
1. The community aquarium
2. The goldfish aquarium
3. The African cichlid aquarium
4. The planted aquarium.
5. The Biotope aquarium.
1. The community aquarium is in reference to the mixing of fish and plants from different geographical areas with an emphasis on the color and hardiness of all specimens as a community. An example of a community tank would be one which contained a combination of gouramis, tetras, and rasboras with a selection of hardy plants such as Hygrophila difformis, Hygrophila polysperma, and Vallisneria spiralis. One of the key ingredients in setting up a community aquarium is choosing fish that are peaceful and compatible with each other to ensure a harmonious existence.
2. The goldfish aquarium is probably the most well-known and basic aquarium installations often small, between 3 and 20 gallons, set up as minimally-furnished or bare-bottom tank to keep things as simple and maintenance free as possible and to emphasize the bright coloration of the fish. Using combinations of different species of goldfish and decorations that contrast with the vivid colors of the fish. Live plants can be used but are not usually grown with goldfish, except for hardy, oxygenating plants like Egeria, because goldfish regularly disturb the substrate.
3. The African cichlid aquarium commonly consists of cichlid varieties like the Lake Tanganyika cichlid or Lake Malawi cichlid. These are usually larger size and generally do best with a large number of rocks combined with a fine gravel or sand substrate. The rocky environment provides numerous caves and hiding places for the fish and provide a more interesting habitat so the fish don't become complacent or bored with a uniform and stagnant environment with no challenges, twists or turns to keep things fun. Because cichlids, like goldfish, disturb the substrate by digging, plastic plants should be used as a substitute for live plants. However, real plants like Vallisneria or Anubias can be tried in a cichlid tank.
4. The planted aquarium places more emphasis on the living plants as much as, or even more than the fish. Abundant groupings of dramatic plant species such as Hygrophila, Limnophila, Rotala, Vallisneria, Echinodorus, and Cryptocorynes are introduced into a receptacle with a limited number of fish. This is a good example of a planted tank. It is important to select fish that will not damage the plants or if they do the damage does not effect the health of the system. Fish such as small tetras, dwarf gouramis, cherry barbs, zebra danios, and White Clouds can cause issues so population guidelines should be adhered too. Planted tanks often include CO2 injection and a substrate fortified with laterite or, in the case of a low tech aquarium, a layer of potting soil under the gravel to provide nutrients for the plants.
5. A biotope aquarium is an aquarium that is designed to simulate a totally natural habitat, with the fish, plants, and furnishings all representative of a particular place in nature. Because only species that are found together in nature are allowed in a true biotope aquarium, these tanks are more challenging and less common than the other themes of aquariums..